<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/123dfb19-13dc-4439-81c4-96ada368cdf3/15726cd5-93a6-4d7e-9e7f-1fd87f63fd77/Huppermage_logo.webp" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/123dfb19-13dc-4439-81c4-96ada368cdf3/15726cd5-93a6-4d7e-9e7f-1fd87f63fd77/Huppermage_logo.webp" width="40px" /> This is an approximate translation of a video from Huz (in french) that you can find here, and as such, is vey opinionated. There are many more viable duos, these are just the ones Huz lists in his video.
For all classes you can find gear suggestions for your PvM leveling on Huz’s website here: https://huzounet.fr/stuffs. Other options are totally valid but these will fit with the duo suggestions presented here.
Characters can be split into 5 categories, with some classes being able to fit many categories depending on the build: MP Reduction, Kiting, Mobility, Sustain, Positioning
From these 5 types of classes, you get these 4 possible viable types of teams:
Mostly panda-based teams, these teams might lack upfront damage but will shine in engame content when you need to get the perfect timing to setup your big combo to oneshot a boss or deal massive AoE (area of effect) damage. This will allow you to block enemies in a corner where they cry while you charge your powerful attack or simply kill them from afar.
Here it’s pretty simple, put some bombs, the panda throws the enemies between them and they die.
Here the panda will pack monsters so that the forge can hit them all with AoEs around the lance. Forge can also help panda stay alive with defensive tools.
Same old here, Panda puts opponents in glyphs, they die, the end. This is mostly viable at higher levels, while leveling you can play distance with agi Panda + cha Feca
This duo is similar to the panda feca one, except you use the Sram’s double to lock enemies in melee and then place your glyphs and agi Sram’s poisons on the packed monsters. Can also be played with the Int Feca
Suuuuper slow and boring with summons everywhere, don’t play this. It can work though if you are not in a hurry and a bit masochist.